ANZSCO comprehensive review - consultation round 1

Closed 28 Apr 2023

Opened 1 Feb 2023

Feedback updated 17 Jun 2024

We asked

From 1 February to 28 April 2023, the ABS opened public consultation seeking views on what changes should be made to selected occupations to inform the comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

This first round of consultation was an opportunity for users of the classification to provide feedback on occupations that fell within the following focus areas1:

Accounting services Administrative services
Aged care and disability services Childcare services
Computer system design and related services Education and training
Financial and insurance services Library and other information services
Management and related consulting services Market research and advertising services
Scientific research services Statistical services
Welfare and social assistance services  

 1Note, occupation focus areas are designed for consultation purposes only and are not intended to be a permanent feature of the classification structure. 

Organisations and individuals were invited to make submissions about the accuracy of current occupation skill levels and descriptions and any occupations anticipated to emerge in the next 5 to 10 years.

You said

The ABS received over 190 submissions, including valuable feedback from all levels of government, businesses, industry bodies/associations, academics, and individuals.

To inform the classification changes, collaborative workshops were organised for various occupation focus areas.  These workshops attracted a wide range of stakeholders eager to participate and contribute their expertise, ultimately enhancing the quality of occupation information within their respective fields.

Feedback received recommended improvements to occupation descriptions and classification structures. It also highlighted the evolution of certain occupations and the emergence of diverse fields and unique jobs that stakeholders would like to see included in the classification. An important topic that resonated with stakeholders was the evolving skill level requirements for different occupations and how these requirements have changed over time.

We did

To keep stakeholders informed of how their input is influencing changes to the classification we have published our preliminary view of proposed change from Consultation round one. These are presented in the Publish Results section below.

Since the first iteration of this document was published, minor updates have been made to a handful of occupations. We have updated the format and contents based on stakeholder feedback and further research. The format of the document has been updated to improve usability based on feedback received and a preliminary proposed changes document has now been created for each focus area.

These changes reflect the collaborative efforts and insights provided by stakeholders, ensuring that the classification remains relevant and responsive to user requirements and accurately represents the evolving landscape of the Australian labour market.

A final consultation round from 25 July to 6 September 2024 will allow users an opportunity to provide feedback on the complete set of proposed changes to the classification structure before finalising the classification for release in December 2024. The newly proposed structure includes reorganising or consolidating existing occupation groups, creating new groups for emerging occupations, or adapting the structure to better reflect the relationships between occupations.

Results updated 17 Jun 2024

The ABS is undertaking a comprehensive review of ANZSCO to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders’ needs. Public consultation rounds were held across 2023 with each round targeting selected occupations grouped by focus area. 

Preliminary proposed changes are presented for the 13 occupation focus areas reviewed in the first round of public consultation held 1 February to 28 April 2023. Changes have been informed by the user feedback received and are presented to keep stakeholders informed of how their input is influencing changes to the classification.



The ABS is undertaking a comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders’ needs. 

ANZSCO describes all occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets and is used to inform and shape educational pathways, skilled migration programs and workforce strategies that equip Australians with skills to get jobs and stay employed.

Public consultation rounds will be held across 2023 and 2024 with each round targeting selected occupations grouped by focus area. The ABS will be inviting submissions on these focus areas through the ABS Consultation Hub. The consultation schedule provides information on how to participate.

Why your views matter

This consultation process is an opportunity for users of the classification to provide feedback on occupations that fall within the selected focus areas for each round of consultation. Round 1 of consultation commences on 1 February 2023 and seeks feedback on occupations in the following areas:

Accounting services Administrative services
Aged care and disability services Childcare services
Computer system and related services Education and training
Financial and insurance services Library and other information services
Management and related consulting services Market research and advertising services
Scientific research services Statistical services
Welfare and social assistance services  

A list of occupations grouped by focus area is provided for reference.

This round of consultation will remain open for 12 weeks, closing on 28 April 2023.

How to make a submission

Feedback will be sought on the accuracy of current occupation skill levels and descriptions and any occupations anticipated to emerge in the next 5 to 10 years. 

A submission guide is linked under the Related section below providing all the details required to make a submission and further background on the review of ANZSCO.

Also linked below is a printable version of the occupations for each focus area in round 1 consultation.

Any questions?

Contact us at with any questions on this consultation or for further information regarding the comprehensive review of ANZSCO.


  • General Public


  • Labour Market
  • Industry