ABS Consultation Hub

Welcome to the ABS Consultation Hub where you can find and participate in our public consultations.

The hub provides information on new ABS projects and makes sharing your ideas and giving feedback easy. We will use the hub to keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge your concerns and aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input influenced our decisions.

Recently added consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

Open Consultations

  • ASGS Edition 4 Consultation

    This questionnaire asks for your feedback on the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). The ASGS is a classification of Australia into a hierarchy of statistical areas developed for the release and analysis of statistics and other data. The ASGS is updated every 5 years to account for...

    Closes 1 September 2024

  • ANZSCO comprehensive review - consultation round 4

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) continues its comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) with the fourth and final round of public consultation. Transform the future of the classification We are...

    Closes 6 September 2024

  • Australian Industry publication changes

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is consulting with users of the Australian Industry publication to receive feedback on proposed changes: removal of items and/or industry detail in Mining industry tables removal of the Industry value added tables ...

    Closes 30 November 2024

Closed Consultations

  • Australian Industry publication consultation

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is consulting with users of the Australian Industry publication to understand how the outputs are used. Australian Industry is released annually, within 11 months of the end of the financial year reference period. Australian Industry contains annual...

    Closed 31 May 2024

  • Design of a complete monthly Consumer Price Index – Public Consultation

    1. Overview The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is undertaking a public consultation process to design the complete monthly measure of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is an opportunity for you to inform us of your data, timing and publication needs and help shape the design...

    Closed 15 December 2023

  • Administrative data snapshot of population and housing (ADS) feedback

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is seeking feedback from users to understand the value and potential of the Administrative data snapshot of population and housing release (ADS) . This includes potential use of administrative data in future Censuses. The ADS is a new...

    Closed 15 December 2023

  • Census data feedback survey

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is seeking feedback from data users to understand how they use and access Census data. Census data can be viewed and accessed in a number of ways using a variety of tools. Each method has unique key features, formats and provide varying levels of detail.

    Closed 11 December 2023

  • 2023 Review of Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL)

    In 2023, the ABS will undertake a major review of the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL). The review will update the ASCL to better reflect languages that are widely used in the Australian community. Updates to the ASCL will ensure collection and production of high quality data,...

    Closed 8 December 2023

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will release a complete monthly measure of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by late 2025, as part of its transformative program called Big Data, Timely Insights: Phase 2 (BDTI).

Stakeholders were invited to provide input on key aspects of the CPI publication design during a public consultation held from 16 November to 15 December 2023.  The public consultation sought formal submissions on this proposed design covering key areas such as release timing, data requirements, publication specifics, and methodologies.

The public consultation was informed by a preliminary Discovery Stage in October 2023, where the ABS engaged directly with a selection of stakeholders to gain insights into their priorities and to lay the groundwork for the initial CPI design.

You said

Feedback on the design of the complete monthly CPI aligned closely with stakeholder insights gathered during the initial Discovery Stage. The primary requests voiced by stakeholders included:

  • Prioritise accuracy and data coverage of the complete monthly CPI over improved timeliness of the publication’s release after the end of the reference period, with backing for the ABS’s proposal that the CPI publication continue to be released around four-weeks after the reference period.
  • Support for maintaining the same level of detailed commentary and analysis as published in the quarterly CPI with requests for further expansion of the CPI analytical series where feasible.
  • Monthly data content consistent with the current quarterly CPI data series incorporating capital city and expenditure class (EC) level data.
  • Continue a quarterly data series for continuity of timeseries analysis and legislated indexation requirements.

Further insights provided by stakeholders included:

  • Support for publishing data with more decimal places for increased precision.
  • Request for a monthly analytical series such as trimmed mean, weighted median, and goods and services categories.
  • Support for transparency regarding data collection frequency, coverage, and updates to the CPI Concepts, Sources, and Methods (CSM).

Feedback was also received that is beyond the scope of the BDTI transformation program. This feedback will be evaluated for potential integration in future, including considerations such as expanded product classifications for further international comparability, expanding the Selected Living Costs Index (SLCI) groups, and compiling Regional CPI data.

A complete summary of the public consultation feedback is provided in the Results section below.

We did

Stakeholder consultation has been pivotal in shaping the design of the complete monthly CPI. As a result, commencing late 2025, the complete monthly CPI will:

  1. Be released around four weeks after the reference period on a Wednesday.
  2. Prioritise data accuracy by implementing comprehensive data collection throughout the entirety of the reference month, rather than restricting it to only the first two or three weeks.
  3. Contain the same amount of data, detailed commentary and analysis that is in the current quarterly CPI.
  4. Include a monthly seasonally adjusted series and analytical series such as trimmed mean, weighted median, and tradables and non-tradables series.

Initially, due to some of the monthly time series being shorter than the length required for standard seasonal adjustment, only a limited number of seasonally adjusted series will be published in the first two years. The ABS is exploring the quality of trimmed mean and weighted median measures when some expenditure classes cannot be seasonally adjusted with standard methods. We will publish further information on these methods prior to publication.

The existing quarterly series will be maintained, including analytical measures, to ensure continuity for widely used indexation arrangements and time series analysis.  

Additionally, the intended design will also include:

  • All groups (headline) CPI, Groups (11), Sub-groups (33), and Expenditure classes (87) for each capital city.
  • Contribution to annual and monthly percentage change to the All groups CPI.
  • Index numbers published to two decimal places instead of the existing one decimal place. Movements will be presented to one decimal place. 
  • No revisions unless there is an exceptional circumstance, such as to correct a significant error, in line with the standard practice for CPI. 

The design of the complete monthly CPI is provided in the Results section below.

Next Steps
Stakeholders will receive ongoing updates from the ABS on the progress of the complete monthly measure of the CPI, methodology, and refined design details.

An implementation plan, along with a mock-up showcasing the complete monthly CPI comprising time series tables and metadata, will be unveiled closer to the publication date. Throughout this period, the ABS will maintain the quarterly release of the Consumer Price Index, Australia  and the Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator

We asked

The public consultation ran for 12 weeks, from 18 September 2023 to 8 December 2023. The ABS sought feedback on the preliminary scope of the review (below) and requested other issues also be identified.

2023 Review of the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL) preliminary scope:

  1. Investigation into the creation of new 4-digit groups (Languages) in the ASCL.
  2. Appropriate representation of existing Languages (4-digit groups) in ASCL.
  3. Investigation into how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages (Broad group 8) are represented in the ASCL.
  4. Investigation into representation of sign languages and signed languages in the ASCL.
  5. Investigation into the structure of Broad group 9, Other Languages.

For more detailed information on the scope, please refer to 2023 ASCL Review Scope v1.0, document attached.

You said

This public consultation generated 31 submissions from a range of individuals and organisations.

Most of the items in the preliminary scope were broadly supported for inclusion in the review. The topics in the preliminary scope that attracted the most submissions were the identification of new 4-digit languages, the inaccurate representation of existing languages or identification of languages missing from the classification, and issues with how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Languages are represented in the ASCL.

In addition to the issues outlined in the scope, a number of other concerns were raised, including:

  • Feedback highlighted a lack of transparency and consistency across the framing of all language Broad groups. Many respondents asked for clarification on the labelling and naming conventions used in the ASCL, along with queries related to alternate titles, language variations or dialects.
  • Concerns were also raised regarding the current coding structure and lack of stated advice that clearly explains why some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages are included in the ASCL at the 4-digit level while others are not.
  • Feedback also suggested that the ABS should engage with experts on the topic of sign and signed languages, especially those that relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

 Other suggestions included:

  • The need to provide further explanatory information to users regarding the classification principles applied at the 4-digit level of the classification. Some users would also benefit from further advice around the criteria that has been applied to the nec/nfd categories.
  • Feedback indicated that users would like more coverage of language groups and community recognized language titles.

We did

The ABS is currently reviewing these submissions and is working closely with stakeholders to draft changes to the ASCL. The proposed changes to ASCL and supporting information will be presented via the ABS Consultation Hub in the second half of 2024. Stakeholders will then be able to provide further feedback before the final update is published in early 2025.

Submissions that included relevant feedback for 2026 Census Content development and design will be provided to the 2026 Census Content team. Please note that stakeholders do not need to provide their submission again.

Future consultation

The next round of public consultation on the proposed changes to the ASCL is expected to be conducted in the second half of 2024. However, if you would like to provide feedback before then, please contact the ABS at standards@abs.gov.au.

Further information is also available in the FAQ and Scope documents under the heading Related.

Any questions?

Please email standards@abs.gov.au with any questions on this consultation or for further information.

We asked

From 10 October to 5 December 2023, the ABS opened public consultation seeking views on what changes should be made to selected occupations to inform the comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).

This third round of consultation was an opportunity for users of the classification to provide feedback on occupations that fell within the following focus areas1:

Accommodation and food services

Postal, courier, pick-up and delivery services

Road transport

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Print and internet publishing

Sports activities

Arts and recreation

Public administration

Television, stage and broadcasting


Public order, safety and regulatory services


Legal services

Rail transport

Water transport

Personal and other services

Retail trade


1Note, occupation focus areas are designed for consultation purposes only and are not intended to be a permanent feature of the classification structure. 

Organisations and individuals were invited to make submissions about the accuracy of current occupation skill levels and descriptions and any occupations anticipated to emerge in the next 5 to 10 years.

You said

The ABS received over 170 submissions, including valuable feedback from all levels of government, businesses, industry bodies/associations, academics, and individuals.

To inform the classification changes, collaborative workshops were organised for various occupation focus areas.  These workshops attracted a wide range of stakeholders eager to participate and contribute their expertise, ultimately enhancing the quality of occupation information within their respective fields.

Feedback received recommended improvements to occupation descriptions and classification structures. It also highlighted the evolution of certain occupations and the emergence of diverse fields and unique jobs that stakeholders would like to see included in the classification. An important topic that resonated with stakeholders was the evolving skill level requirements for different occupations and how these requirements have changed over time.

We did

To keep stakeholders informed of how their input is influencing changes to the classification we have published our preliminary view of proposed occupation changes from Consultation round three. These are presented in the Publish Results section below for the 17 occupation focus areas from this third round. A preliminary proposed changes document has been created for each focus area.

These changes reflect the collaborative efforts and insights provided by stakeholders, ensuring that the classification remains relevant and responsive to user requirements and accurately represents the evolving landscape of the Australian labour market.

A final consultation round from 25 July to 6 September 2024 will allow users an opportunity to provide feedback on the complete set of proposed changes to the classification structure before finalising the classification for release in December 2024. The newly proposed structure includes reorganising or consolidating existing occupation groups, creating new groups for emerging occupations, or adapting the structure to better reflect the relationships between occupations.