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41 results

  • Release of consultation paper on the remake of Statistics Determination 1983

    A consultation paper on the remake of the Statistics Determination 1983 (the Determination) has been released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Department of the Treasury.   The Determination enables the ABS to release detailed statistical information to users for analysis and to inform decision-making. It also sets out any conditions that apply to how recipients may use that information.   The Determination will sunset on the 1 October 2018 and will need to be remade... More
    Opened 7 December 2017
  • Review of 2021 Census Topics

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics is seeking input from data users, organisations and members of the community about topics to be included in the next Census. This consultation is an opportunity for people to share their views on the data to be collected in the 2021 Census form. Watch the 2021 Census Topics briefing  You can now watch the 2021 Census topics briefing which focuses on the review of 2021 Census topics and includes:  an overview of the topic review... More
    Opened 3 April 2018
  • Review of the ASGS for 2021

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is in the process of reviewing the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) in preparation for the 2021 edition. The ASGS provides a framework of statistical areas designed for the dissemination, visualisation and analysis of a broad range of social, demographic and economic statistics. More
    Opened 29 May 2019
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Survey Workshops

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is holding a series of face-to-face workshops in late 2019 to help shape an upcoming ABS health survey. The ABS would like to talk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and other key stakeholders about: Content for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander surveys, Biomedical tests and ethics, Data integration - getting the most out of data. We want to hear about your data needs, including how it should be... More
    Opened 24 October 2019
  • Release of the Census and Statistics Amendment (Statistical Information) Regulations 2019 (the Regulation)

    The Treasury undertook a public consultation on behalf of the Assistant Treasurer on the draft Census and Statistics Amendment (Statistical Information) Regulations 2019 (the Regulation). The Regulation outlines what information can be collected in the 2021 Census. The Treasury consultation closed on 10 January 2020. For more information on the consultation, visit . The final decision on 2021 Census topics will be released in mid 2020. More
    Opened 13 December 2019
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey – Community and Stakeholder engagement

    Thank you for participating in this survey. Introduction: We want to hear from you to help shape an upcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health survey. We want to hear about your data needs and listen to your suggestions to help us design a culturally appropriate approach to collecting the information. Last year, the Australian government announced a new health study called the Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study (IHMHS). The IHMHS will run over three years... More
    Opened 10 March 2020
  • How do you use Census data?

    Census data is used to inform decisions by people and organisations from all over Australia. This includes governments, local councils, not for profit organisations, researchers, businesses and community groups. We want to share the stories of how Census data is used, to help people understand the value of completing their Census. More
    Opened 6 May 2020
  • 2021 Census Lesson Guides

    Thank you for taking part in this survey on the 2021 Lesson Guides and accompanying activities. We want your feedback on how you found the Lesson Guides to educate your students about the Census. Your views are valuable to us and help to improve our future support resources. There will be an option to provide your personal details if you would like to be contacted about your responses, take part in other Census related surveys, or share how you have used Census... More
    Opened 5 November 2020
  • 2021 Targeted Update of ANZSCO

    This consultation is now closed. Thank you for all submissions. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is partnering with several Australian Government agencies to produce a targeted update of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). This targeted update is due for release in November 2021. The ANZSCO, which is jointly managed by the ABS and Stats NZ, describes, and covers occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets. For... More
    Opened 23 June 2021
  • 2021 Census - Organisation feedback

    Every five years, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) counts every person and household in Australia. We call this the Census of Population and Housing. If your organisation was involved with the 2021 Census, we would like to hear from you. To help us improve our processes, please complete this short survey (5-10 minutes). We are grateful for all Census supporters. This includes organisations that: hosted Census face-to-face help... More
    Opened 3 September 2021
  • 2021 Census - Woolworths feedback

    Thank you for supporting the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the 2021 Census. Over 9.1 million households have now submitted their Census forms, which is a fantastic result. To help us improve our processes, please complete this short survey (5 mins). There will be an option to provide your personal details if you consent to being contacted about your responses. The ABS will not disclose your personal information to anyone. If you have any questions or would like to... More
    Opened 3 September 2021
  • CoATSIS Local Engagement Officer 2021 Census Evaluation Survey

    This survey aims to gather feedback provided by Local Engagement Officers (LEOs) who supported the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community for the ABS Centre of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Statistics (CoATSIS) during the 2021 Census of Population and Housing. The report has two main purposes: To provide feedback on how the LEO role supported the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities, as well as the Aboriginal and... More
    Opened 20 September 2021
  • 2021 Targeted Update of ANZSCO Proposed Changes

    Updating the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations The ABS is producing a targeted update of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO). UPDATE: The Cyber Security and Emerging Occupations proposed changes files have been updated on 08/10/2021 to correct inconsistent information regarding the occupations 'Software Tester' and 'Software Engineer' respectively. More information on... More
    Opened 23 September 2021
  • 2021 Enhancing the quality of Australia's international trade statistics

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) produces a broad range of data on Australia’s economic interactions with the rest of the world. ABS international trade data measures the value of both goods (merchandise) and services imported and exported to and from Australia. Australia’s international trade has been growing steadily over recent years, and so has demand from data users for timely, robust and representative statistics. The COVID-19 pandemic has not... More
    Opened 5 October 2021
  • Updating the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

    Updating the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations Overview The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) , which is jointly managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Stats NZ, describes, and covers occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets. For more information on ANZSCO please read How does ANZSCO work While the ANZSCO has had... More
    Opened 1 March 2022
  • Review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations

    The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) jointly managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Stats NZ, describes, and covers all occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets. Currently, ANZSCO is largely based on the 2001 labour market. The Australian government recently announced new funding over 4 years for the ABS to undertake a comprehensive update of ANZSCO (for delivery by December 2024) and commence an ongoing... More
    Opened 29 June 2022
  • 2022 Review of the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG) and the Religious Affiliation Standard (RAS)

    In 2022, the ABS will undertake a major review of the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG) and the associated Religious Affiliation Standard (RAS; the Religion question in the Census of Population and Housing ) . The review will update the ASCRG to reflect the modern Australian community; and ensure RAS is inclusive . These updates will ensure collection and production of high quality data, improving data analysis and decision making. More
    Opened 29 August 2022
  • 2022 Targeted Update of ANZSCO Proposed Changes

    2022 Targeted Update of ANZSCO Proposed Changes The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO ) is jointly managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and Stats NZ. It describes all occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets. While ANZSCO has previously had some minor updates, it largely reflects the original 2006 version, which was based on the 2001 labour market. Some occupations have not... More
    Opened 1 September 2022
  • Coding capability & requirement survey

    The following is a short survey being conducted by the Coding Capability Uplift graduate project team for ABS staff to share their experiences with learning and using the various statistical programming languages available within the ABS. More
    Opened 5 September 2022
  • Help Shape the Future of Classification on Industries in Australia

    ABS will undertake a consultation process from late-Sept to late-Nov 2022 seeking feedback on how Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) is currently used, key concerns with the ANZSIC as well as identifying issues with implementing a new industry classification. This consultation also aims to raise awareness of key changes to the revised International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) as proposed by the United Nations... More
    Opened 26 September 2022
  • Measurement of Digital Platform Work and Workers

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), like most national statistical organisations, is working to expand its statistics on relatively new and emerging forms of employment, including digital platform workers. While digital platform workers and their work have always been included within existing labour statistics on employment and hours, they are a relatively small group of workers who have not been separately identifiable. Specifically measuring... More
    Opened 14 October 2022
  • 2021 Census data second release seminar series

    Thank you for attending one of our 2021 Census data seminars. The feedback you provide in this short survey (10 minutes) will help inform future events. If you were unable to attend, recordings of the data seminars are available on the ABS website and Youtube channel . More
    Opened 20 October 2022
  • ANZSCO comprehensive review - consultation round 1

    The ABS is undertaking a comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders’ needs. ANZSCO describes all occupations in the Australian and New Zealand labour markets and is used to inform and shape educational pathways, skilled migration programs and workforce strategies that equip Australians with skills to get jobs and stay employed. ... More
    Opened 1 February 2023
  • 2026 Census topic consultation

    The ABS is undertaking a review of topics for the 2026 Census. Public consultation is undertaken to help inform our recommendation to the Australian Government on the topics that could be included in the Census. Phase one of the consultation is open from 28 February to 28 April 2023. The ABS wants to understand what information is needed, but not currently collected by the ABS. The ABS will assess submissions received in phase one before undertaking a second phase... More
    Opened 27 February 2023
  • Australian Industry publication consultation

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is consulting with users of the Australian Industry publication to understand how the outputs are used. Australian Industry is released annually, within 11 months of the end of the financial year reference period. Australian Industry contains annual estimates of key economic and financial performance of industries in Australia, including income, expenses, profit and capital expenditure. More
    Opened 26 May 2023
  • ANZSCO comprehensive review - consultation round 2

    The ABS continues its comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) to reflect the contemporary labour market and better meet stakeholders’ needs. Help shape the future of ANZSCO to meet your information needs We're back for round 2 of our consultation process and want to hear your thoughts on occupations in the following areas: Air and space transport ... More
    Opened 15 June 2023
  • 2026 Census topic consultation - Phase two

    The ABS is undertaking a review of topics for the 2026 Census. Public consultation helps inform our recommendation to the Australian Government on the topics that could be included in the Census. Phase two of the consultation is open from 27 July until 8 September 2023. The ABS is seeking feedback on topics being considered for change or removal from the 2026 Census. Assessment criteria During this phase, the ABS will continue to assess shortlisted topics against the following... More
    Opened 27 July 2023
  • Administrative data snapshot of population and housing (ADS) feedback

    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is seeking feedback from users to understand the value and potential of the Administrative data snapshot of population and housing release (ADS) . This includes potential use of administrative data in future Censuses. The ADS is a new experimental release of population and housing data built from administrative data sources. Like the Census, it aims to provide a snapshot of the Australian people and houses at a point in... More
    Opened 15 August 2023
  • 2022-23 Review of the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG) - Consultation Round 2

    In 2022, the ABS began a major review of the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups (ASCRG) and the associated Religious Affiliation Standard (RAS; How we ask the religion question in the Census of Population and Housing ). The review will update the ASCRG to reflect the modern Australian community. Changes to RAS are being considered in the 2026 Census Topic Consultation process which is a separate process to the ASCRG Review. This consultation will... More
    Opened 18 September 2023
  • 2023 Review of Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL)

    In 2023, the ABS will undertake a major review of the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL). The review will update the ASCL to better reflect languages that are widely used in the Australian community. Updates to the ASCL will ensure collection and production of high quality data, improving data analysis and decision making. This review will be informed by analysis of Census data, as well as the feedback received by the ABS, including through the 2026... More
    Opened 18 September 2023
41 results. Page 1 of 2