Business Characteristics Survey Consultation

Closes 11 Oct 2024

Opened 20 Aug 2024


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is consulting with users of the Business Characteristics Survey to receive feedback on proposed changes. The survey currently publishes data under the following releases:

Each release contains estimates of key business characteristics, such as business performance, along with an alternating annual release of detailed information on the use of digital technologies, or detailed information on innovation related activities.

From 2024-25 the collection will move to a biennial frequency, that is, data will be collected and published every two years, rather than annually.

We are reviewing the data collected under the survey, as well as published content, to ensure we can continue to provide high quality business characteristics data that is important to users, on a biennial frequency.

Before commencing the Consultation Survey, we encourage you to download a copy of both surveys that comprise the Business Characteristics Survey collection, as they may be of assistance as you navigate through the Consultation Survey. You will find these materials in the 'Related' section below. 

Most of the questions in this Consultation Survey are optional, allowing you to progress through to the Topics that are of interest to you. However, we are keen to understand how important some of our data is and we encourage you to provide further information to help us understand how you use the data and what the impact may be if we were to no longer collect or publish some data items. 

Why your views matter

Your feedback helps us make changes that ensure our statistical releases deliver high quality and timely data. The questionnaire asks about your use of the core topics collected on the survey, how important they are to you or your organisation, and any suggestions on future content.

The ABS will use your feedback to inform the redesign of the Business Characteristics Survey and publication content.


  • General Public
  • Stakeholders
  • Data Users


  • Industry