41 results
ANZSCO comprehensive review - consultation round 3
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) continues its comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) with a third round of public consultation . This is an opportunity for you to make a significant impact by providing feedback on selected occupations, helping shape the quality of Australia’s future occupation and labour market information. Transform the future of occupation information ANZSCO describes... MoreOpened 10 October 2023 -
Census data feedback survey
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is seeking feedback from data users to understand how they use and access Census data. Census data can be viewed and accessed in a number of ways using a variety of tools. Each method has unique key features, formats and provide varying levels of detail. MoreOpened 10 October 2023 -
Design of a complete monthly Consumer Price Index – Public Consultation
1. Overview The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is undertaking a public consultation process to design the complete monthly measure of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This is an opportunity for you to inform us of your data, timing and publication needs and help shape the design of the complete monthly CPI. Significance of the CPI The CPI is a general measure of prices for goods and services purchased by Australian households. It is widely used... MoreOpened 16 November 2023 -
ASGS Edition 4 Consultation
This questionnaire asks for your feedback on the Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). The ASGS is a classification of Australia into a hierarchy of statistical areas developed for the release and analysis of statistics and other data. The ASGS is updated every 5 years to account for growth and change in Australia's population, economy, and infrastructure. The most recent publication of the ASGS is Edition 3 which was created to facilitate the release of the 2021 Census. ... MoreOpened 29 May 2024 -
Australian Industry publication changes
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is consulting with users of the Australian Industry publication to receive feedback on proposed changes: removal of items and/or industry detail in Mining industry tables removal of the Industry value added tables removal of, or changes to the Industry value added data item. We are reviewing the Australian Industry publication content to ensure we can continue to provide high quality data that... MoreOpened 31 May 2024 -
ANZSCO comprehensive review - consultation round 4
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) continues its comprehensive review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) with the fourth and final round of public consultation. Transform the future of the classification We are particularly interested in understanding the positive and negative impacts of the proposed structural changes in the draft classification and how they might impact your business or industry. ... MoreOpened 25 July 2024 -
Business Characteristics Survey Consultation
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is consulting with users of the Business Characteristics Survey to receive feedback on proposed changes. The survey currently publishes data under the following releases: Innovation in Australian Business Characteristics of Australian Business Each release contains estimates of key business characteristics, such as business performance, along with an alternating annual release... MoreOpened 20 August 2024 -
2023 - 24 Review of Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL)
Overview In 2023, the ABS began a major review of the Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL). The review will update the ASCL to better reflect languages that are widely used in the Australian community. Updates to the ASCL will ensure collection and production of high-quality data, improving data analysis and decision making. This consultation will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed changes to the ASCL. These changes... MoreOpened 2 October 2024 -
Measuring unpaid care in the Labour Account consultation
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has been funded to expand the Labour Account to improve estimates on the total hours spent on unpaid care and their monetary value. These new measures will improve the visibility of the contribution of unpaid care to society and the economy, alongside the extensive information on paid work. This information paper presents early experimental estimates of unpaid childcare in Australia for June quarter 2021, based on initial work on... MoreOpened 29 November 2024 -
Public Consultation - Modernising the System of National Accounts and Balance of Payments Manual
The economic manuals that underpin many key economic statistics, including the 2025 System of National Accounts (2025 SNA) and Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual 7 th Edition (BPM7), will be ratified by the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in March 2025. The last major updates to the standards were undertaken in 2008. Contemporary standards are required to reflect our modern economy. 2025 SNA... MoreOpened 10 December 2024 -
OSCA Maintenance Strategy Questionnaire
In December 2024, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the Occupation Standard Classification for Australia (OSCA) v1.0, a standardised framework for storing, organising, and reporting occupation-related information. This consultation will inform an ongoing maintenance strategy for OSCA, including components underpinning maintenance, timing of updates, and the framework for prioritising proposed changes. MoreOpened 11 March 2025
41 results.
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