2023 - 24 Review of Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL)

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Closes 13 Dec 2024


1. What is your name?

IMPORTANT: Any personal information will be kept strictly confidential for ABS use only in accordance with the Privacy at the ABS | Australian Bureau of Statistics

2. Please ensure that you include contact details in your submission. By providing contact information, you agree that the ABS can contact you to ask any follow-up questions, if required.
3. Which state or territory do you live in?
4. Have you previously sent a submission, or talked with the ABS about the ASCL?
5. How did you find out about the 2023-24 review of ASCL?
6. Do you use ABS Language data?
7. Please list any proposed changes that you believe are not accurate. Please include the following information:
8. Please list any proposed changes that you believe may cause unintended significant impact to an individual or community. For each item, please include the following information:
9. Please tell us if you believe there will be any significant implementation issues because of the proposed changes. For each item, please include the following:
10. Are there any other comments you would like to provide regarding this review? (Word limit 500)
There is a limit of 500 characters

If you have any questions about this consultation process, please email standards@abs.gov.au