Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey – Community and Stakeholder engagement
Thank you for participating in this survey.
Introduction: We want to hear from you to help shape an upcoming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health survey. We want to hear about your data needs and listen to your suggestions to help us design a culturally appropriate approach to collecting the information.
Last year, the Australian government announced a new health study called the Intergenerational Health and Mental Health Study (IHMHS). The IHMHS will run over three years from 2021 to 2023. Similar to the Australian Health Survey conducted by the ABS in 2011-13, the IHMHS will provide an opportunity to measure the state of Australia’s health, including health conditions and health status within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. The results from that study will provide a picture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health and wellbeing, and help to inform policy, services and programs supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to live healthier and happier lives.
In 2020, the ABS is talking to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives, communities and organisations about various components of the health survey data collection. We are committed to providing a range of opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians to provide feedback and are asking people to provide their thoughts and suggestions on all elements of the proposed health survey including how and what information should be collected. We’re seeking input on three broad issues:
1. Survey content
2. Biomedical tests
3. Data integration
In addition to this survey, there are other ways you can give us feedback:
1. Attend an online workshop or complete an online self-paced consultation package
2. Read Future Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Surveys - Have your say and write to us
Email: coeatsis@abs.gov.au
Or by post to:
Director of CoEATSIS
Locked Bag 10
Belconnen ACT 2616
3. The ABS has Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Managers in each state and territory who are keen to have discussions with you
The information you provide will be used to contribute to the overall discussion, but no individuals will be identified in the results of this survey
What happens next
The survey has now closed. Thank you for your interest.
- Stakeholders
- Customer Feedback
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